Hannies Guide to Twitter

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English Guide

Creating an Account

First, create your account. Enter in all of the information. It is important that you use a phone number. This is for verification purposes.

After this, you’ll be asked to enter a verification code. Then you’ll make a password. You’ll then enter a description, name, profile photo, etc. (these can be changed later too).

Afterwards you can enter in custom interests or pick from a list.

You can then set up any languages you wish to use in Twitter.

That’s it! Now you are ready to begin using Twitter.

Hype & Twitter Parties

Trending on Twitter using hashtags is very important for Hannies and Hanbin. Using the designated hashtags at the same time for each day that will be announced on @HanbinTrends account will be easier to trend. Hashtags that trend worldwide long term tend to have a higher chance of being seen by people other than Hannies. Hyping hashtags shows others (BigHit/Be:lift,other K-pop stans, South Koreans,and many more) that people are paying lots of attention to Hanbin and how important he is.

You'll need at least 10 followers to participate.

Using a VPN

You can use any reliable VPN, but below is an example of one.

NOTE: When using Veilduck, make sure to check your connection every 15 minutes.


1. Log-in your YouTube account
2. Make sure to use different accounts if you will stream in multiple devices (1 device 1 account)
3. Search Hanbin's Fancam manually (eg. Hanbin I-Land DNA Fancam)


•Watch Hanbin Fancam with at least 480p quality
•Volume must be at least 50%
•Watch at normal playback speed
•Stream together with his other fancams (Flame On,DIY,I&Credible, etc.)
•Like and leave a positive comment after watching his Fancam
•Stream on different browsers if possible (eg. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc.)
•Watch 2-3 other videos in between (Watch his other Fancam instead)
•Embed and share the Fancam to other websites
• Promote Hanbin by sharing his fancam


•Don't take screenshots
•Don't stream on multiple tabs
•No playlist, stream manually
•Don't use incognito mode
•Do not refresh, pause, rewind, put the video on loop/replay, change playback speed
•No skipping any part of the video
•Don't spam the comment section (no emoji and streaming related words)
•Don't mute the video (you can put earphones/headphones instead)
•Don't use VPN
•Don't stream continuously, take a break (at least 15mins) and stream again
•Don't clear your viewing history/cache
•Skipping ads is optional (especially when the ads is too long) but we're encouraging every Hannies to don't skip ad.

Lastly, stream like a human!

Streaming FAQ

Q: Is it okay to split screen when streaming or minimize the volume?

A: According to Youtube's support team if your account is subscribed to YouTube premium then YES the views are counted.

If you're using free YouTube account (not subscribe), YouTube may filter the views as low-quality streams and may not be counted

Benefits of YouTube Premium
You can stream offline; the views will be added once you go online

Scheduling Tweets

Time Zone Conversion

Each day, @HanbinTrends account will make an announcement about the Twitter and Streaming Party plan for that day. The announcement will include the time to start the Streaming Party in Korean Standard Time (KST) as well as the hashtags to use for trending.

To figure out when the Twitter and Streaming Party will happen in your timezone, go to https://timeanddate.com. Enter in Seoul, South Korea first as the timezone to convert from, and then enter in your city/country second. You will see that there is an immediate conversion from your current time to KST.